Coupe Cheveux Courts Avec Mèches Longues

Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

Coupe Cheveux Courts Avec Mèches Longues

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Coiffure Define Coiffure at Dictionary. Coiffure definition, a style of arranging or combing the hair. See more.

Coiffure definition of coiffure by The Free Dictionary. tr.v. coiffured, coiffuring, coiffures. To arrange or dress (hair). [French, from coiffer, to coif; see coiffeur.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language 

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Coiffure Synonyms, Coiffure Antonyms Thesaurus. Synonyms for coiffure at Thesaurus with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

Coiffure Define Coiffure at Dictionary. noun, plural coiffures [kwahfyoo rz; French kwafyr] ) 1. a style of arranging or combing the hair. 2. a head covering; headdress. verb (used with object), coiffured

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